Chat GPT content is something that has been introduced into the digital world quite recently. On top of that, the use of this technology in SEO content creation is even newer. This is why people are unaware of the ways that are used for properly utilizing AI.
This post will cover a method that makes your AI-generated content undetectable. As a result of this, the search engines can’t determine whether your work is AI-produced or not. When that happens, the chances of your content ranking higher become higher.
To provide context, our solution to this is using a tool named Preposteo, but we will also give some alternate tips. So, in order to grasp the entirety of this topic, you will have to stick with it till the end of this article.
Why ChatGPT Content Doesn’t Perform Well in Search Engines?
Before we show you the methods of transforming AI content into something usable, we will tell you why doing this is necessary.
An online source reports that ChatGPT is attracting around 96 million users per month. You can estimate the popularity of this tool using this statistic.
As you may know, AI chatbots such as ChatGPT generate automated content about any question asked.
However, there are certain patterns of writing that these bots follow. In general, these tools generate high-readability content.
Similarly, there are some other things as well. Due to this, search engines like Google detect whether a piece of content is human-written or AI-produced. In the latter case, Google penalizes the content or the website.
That’s why if you want to use ChatGPT content, you will first have to optimize it for search engines.
There are several methods of doing so. However, the most convenient and fast method is the one we will be focusing on today. So, let’s get right into it.
How to Use Chat GPT for SEO Content Creation?
We will take you through a step-by-step explanation of how AI content can be used in search engines. These steps are given in the following:
1. Generate Chat GPT Content

This is quite self-explanatory, but first, you have to generate the base content on which you will work later.
So, to generate this, go to Chat GPT and give it a prompt about the topic. For example, you can say, write a 1000-word article on ‘Challenges faced by Wildlife.’
Within seconds of entering this prompt, you will get what you asked for. This is the raw form of content that we will optimize.
Read it and see if the words and information in the writing is like you wanted or not.
If it isn’t, generate it again by providing extra detail. Do this until you get what you want.
ChatGPT also helps in creating SEO-friendly AI video content. To generate video content, you simply need to click on ‘Explore GPT’ and type ‘AI video generator.’ There, you can find various creators available on the GPT store.
2. Insert Keywords
When the goal of creating content is to get decent SEO results, you can’t ignore keywords.
Keywords are the main source of letting a search engine know whether your content is relevant to a search or not.

Even professionals know how important keywords are. For example, 43.9% of marketers look at keyword rankings to measure SEO success. So, never ignore the importance of keywords.
In order to add these keywords, first research them and then add them to the write-up naturally.
You can also make the chatbot do this by telling it to add a specific keyword to the generated content.
It minimally edits the write-up to adjust those keywords. In this way, AI content comes one step closer to being search engine optimized.
3. Optimize the Content Using Prepostseo
Now, the main step is going to initiate. Once your AI content is somewhat SEO-optimized, we have to optimize it a little further.
To do this, you will need assistance from a tool platform Prepostseo. We have mentioned this before as well.

Prepostseo has multiple tools that can help us in this regard. In this section, we will process our AI content using these multiple tools.
Here are some steps that can be helpful:
1. Paraphrase for Removing Detection
The first tool that we will use is the Paraphraser. This tool will alter the wording and structuring of the write-up to make it undetectable.
The good thing about this is that this alteration doesn’t change the meaning of your content.

The contextual intent of your content remains intact. Furthermore, this step also improves the readability of your content.
AI-generated writing usually has complex sentences. Paraphrasing makes them easier to read.
Because of these abundant benefits, you should absolutely paraphrase your AI content.
2. Check Plagiarism
The source of information for Chat GPT is the internet. It’s database, therefore, exists of information that is already out there somewhere.
Because of this, the chances of Chat GPT producing plagiarized content are decent.
Even though it doesn’t happen that often, but you should still chek for it.

This checking can be done with the help of Prepostseo’s plagiarism checker. It is a tool that compares the entered content with the information present on the internet.
In this way, you can detect and edit the unoriginal parts of your AI content. This will save your site from getting plagiarism penalties.
3. Use Article Rewriter for Tone Adjustment
Sometimes, Chat GPT may produce a piece of writing that portrays the desired information but doesn’t have a required tone.
This tone can be altered using the article rewriter by Prepostseo. This tool can change the way a write-up is written.

All you have to do is enter your content and then select a rewriting mode. You can select one of the four options:
- Simple
- Advanced
- Fluency
- Creative
In this way, you can mold the AI content according to your preferences.
4. Proofread
Prepostseo optimizes almost every aspect of your writing.
However, you should still proofread this content to make sure that the intent of your writing is still the same.
Similarly, if you think some sentences are still hard to read, you should manually make changes.
This will enhance the overall readability and consequently increase reader engagement.
Reader engagement is one of the main factors that decide the ranking of your content in a search engine.
So, you should never ignore this.
5. Add other Elements
This is an additional tip that further escalates the quality of your content. Here are some of the things that you can add to your write-up to make it more compelling:
- Third-party information that is properly cited.
- Images such as infographics or pictures that support your claims.
- Videos that explain the steps discussed in your writing.
- Bullet points and tables for better explanation.
These small things matter a lot when posting content for SEO. So, be sure to use them and up your content creation game.
To conclude this, we will say that Chat GPT is a great tool that writes high-quality content. However, you can’t just use it as it is.
This means that the first draft of content generated by Chat GPT can’t be uploaded to websites that want to rank higher.
Instead, you have to follow a procedure to make this content worthy enough. This procedure is explained in the article above.
You can see the whole process of how Chat GPT-generated content can be optimized to near perfection.
You should also take advantage of this and dominate the search engine result pages.
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